How abowt a combover?
So, Daisy and Daisy MM ganged up on me and maked me give that littul wite rat cat bak his 2PAY boy thoze gerlcats are uppity and BOSSY too it was like yap yap yap yap yap and finely I gave up and I throde the 2PAY bak upstares s
o now I'm trying to cover up my baldniss with a combover becuz Rocky the geezer sez that sumtimes werks so I likt all the furrs frum one side to the middle of my baldniss and then I likt all the furs frum the other side of my baldniss to the middle and it took neerly all day and even so it didn't make the bald part go away all th
e way but at leest is isn't as bald as it used to be Rocky sez maybey I shood try blak spray paint next but I can't werk the sprayer with my paws can sumbuddy come over and spray me???? LIFE'S A TRIP!!!!
Mr. Trip, I think you should just leave it as is. You know chicks dig unique hair styles - look at Michael Bolton. ~Fiona Bun
ReplyDeletewhoa- its purrfekt! Grate job with the combovur!
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ReplyDeleteTrip, I hate to say it, but combovers are a little old school... in a bad way. I think you should just embrace your baldness - and invent a really tough mancat story about how it happened. Chicks will dig that.
ReplyDeleteBlack spray could work if you get some help. FAZ
ReplyDeleteHmmm, the combover is an interesting idea, but we've got to agree with Pablo on this one - after all, he's an experienced mancat of the world. Just work on your story for when the girlcats come up to you and ask you why you're missing some furs.
Gypsy & Tasha
ReplyDeleteI think you look fine just the way you are.
Trip, you done the Right Thing to give the toupee back to it's rightful owner. I am sure Skeezix was very happy. In general, I am not too fond of the comb-over look. Maybe you need to try some cute fashions to cover up your bald patch. Have you ever worn trousers?
ReplyDeleteNo we don't fink a kome over would look that grate and the paint probly wouldn't be such a good ideer. What about if you roll your bald spot in sumfing sticky, then go around finding efurrycat's shed furrs and roll in them? The diffrunt cullers would look like yoo got highlights and lowlights in yer furrs. It could be a fashun statement.
ReplyDeletewe think that one of those bandanas with the built in head furs would look good on you - kind of like a man skirt with fur.
ReplyDelete'course, you could just take the plunge and go for the Mr. Clean look! Lotsa chicks dig it!
ReplyDeleteI think the combover worked pretty well, but of course it won't stay like that. Pablo is right, of course, you should just go with the baldness.
ReplyDeleteTripper, bald can be beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI have some clumps on my back above my tail and when Mom trims them, I'll have a bald spot 'til my furs grow in. Would you mind if I borrow Skeezy's 2pay?
ReplyDeleteMax S